It doesn't mean anything. Resume: I died in the day of my father day i was 15. Oriel Many shamans were blind or missing limbs, etc. Once they might have been designated as a witch's teats, where her familiars fed. Since kid Ive seen everybody adults and kids as babies who act without sense, and Im not talking about the new ethics coming through, but more like if Im s a granny looking his grandchildren fighting for an apple that you can just cut in two, but well someday they will grow and stop fighting for nothing?.. My husband is fully convinced due to things Ive said and done. Yet another Egyptian female mummy named Amunet has tattoos that signified her status as a high priestess. I have a perfect upright pentagram on my lower left arm( in small brown freckles). My eyes change color blue green dark very clear. 3 marks under ||| my pinky fingers Actually I realize yesterday, nobody realise this, Oh, my god, looks like it is a "witch flying with wand". The mark of the witch can be several different things but most of the time it is associated with an extra nipple, a mole, a wart, or even scars. But typically there are mental and spiritual signs to back up the physical ones. I lost my left eye at 14 months of age. Yes. People will be talking to me and totally stop mid sentence and mention my eyes. Is it a mark passed down in my family? I too have felt things from a very young age Ive read about witches and wiccan practices since high school. Savanna was amused at this point and paying close attention so he pokedfun and said you mean is she a winker?? Women that have this mark on the left arm are the ones that come from a line of Witches. I have all of the physical traits and all of the other traits and more. LOL! One on either side. Sitting here and checking my knees now. And a rake claw which appeared on my right hand just yesterday. Well take a look at the various kinds of witch marks, what they signified, and why they existed. It is something people choose to do. (Theyre dark blue outlined light blue inside and green around the pupil). My family always wants me to touch somewhere they are sore. But i dont know what kind I came from. Answer: It means you have a mole on the palm of your hand. You could have been shot in the head in a past life. I feel the presences of demonic or evil at night in the dark Since growing up like that, I stayed away, but Ive began to practice psychic abilities. About 65 percent of the accused were. Having any kind of mark or natural skin formation does not mean you are a witch. Wither it be spiritual or dead carcasses a half mile away. The mark was made by the Devil raking his claws across the skin or by burning the witch with a branding iron. This topic is the subject of a recent work in the study of witchcraft. A witchs mark can be an irregular mark on the body said to indicate that a person could be a witch. Usually a mole is just a mole. Theres a plethora of information here in Pinterest as well. Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts. Fire-starter! This is the same for both men and women. Its because true beauty comes from the inside and radiates outward. She is a clairvoyant healer and does spiritual and holistic counseling. Ive always known Im an empath but some of these signs are also really speaking to me as I am developing. my mother used to refer to me as la strega-the witch, even when i was very young. I never argue with people about politics and RELIGION, mainly because I always felt that being a witch is no ones buisness but my own and those who share my beliefs. kinda left us hanging dont you think? Read our 35+ signs youre a witch in your heart and soul to find out more signs! Its very draining when Im opened to my empathy. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on May 20, 2020: To 'an actual witch', if you had read the article and maybe some of the questions, you'll realise that it's not about Christianity vs the (witches') Devil, it's about the mistaken middle-age belief that there were such things as witches' marks. Others are even starseeds souls that have incarnated here from other dimensions and star systems. I have seen several ghosts and can feel when they are a around me. Empathic gut feelings to the point of my whole body feeling energy I can also, see a persons state of mind through a picture or text. And that is what Im afraid of, since the word witch to most means we are evil. Of course, you may discover otherwise if you get the chance to explore your past lives. When I was around 17 I met a man who told me that my eyes never showed any expression, my eye looked old, when I laughed or spoke he could see no expression in or around my eyes, he directly told me I was a witch. Crazy huh? This physical characteristic doesnt happen because of an illness (if youre unsure, please see a health care provider!) 2759 views | original sound - Julie Millar292 5 cakamile Kandee Pink It is said any women who has a beauty mark on her arm in this spot is a WITCH.. #WITCH #witchesoftiktok #spirituality #spiritualtiktok They change colors. I have all the hand symbols and many other features described in this article A cross in the middle of the index finger (called the Mystics Cross) is indicative of clairvoyance (the ability to see clearly), which is a psychic ability that many witches possess. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 31, 2020: Melissa, they have a perfectly rational explanation. I have always felt most at rest in a deep forest or near a body of water. Your birthmarks are simply birthmarks. I have meet my ancestors in my dreams. Examine your body. I've heard it said that if a woman is startled or even befriended by an animal that sometimes a mark will appear on the baby's skin. She told me to put an 8 in my pocket and I would receive financial favor. We arent quite sure why they believed this, but it looks like other cultures may have found red haired individuals alarming or suspicious too. Witch's marks were most probably supernumerary nipples. He says I have vision that I void . I too love orcas and wolves. Have you ever looked at your veins and noticed they form symbols or patterns? (We have never been there). Though Im not advanced there. I have the small dipper constellation on me in 2 or 3 places. Oh my goodness! Hi I have the cross on bought index fingers, also have at least 10 marks under bought my pinky fingers. Im totally thrilled now, i have clarity. I have always had a kind heart and soft spot for all animals. Types of Witch Marks: blue and red dots port-wine stains moles warts other scars and scratches These marks could form a sigil or glyph on your skin. I think she counted 8 triangles all together. I have a birth mark on my inner thigh , my family called it a strawberry, or. I have the lines under my pinky, the V, and Ms in both palms. Wow, I feel like I have a human familiar! Index finger line is one of intuition. Dont ever be afraid or ashamed of who you truly are ! I have the cross on my finger, the healing lines, and several birthmarks all over my body. My left wrist has a definite star, and what appears to be an angel holding it above their head. As I point out in the article, there is barely a human alive who doesn't have some marks on their body. Recurring lesions shouldn't be ignored. I am very athletic but always a clutz, and spend much of my free time with rescue animals. That left a scar after it got healed. I want to know if theirs any significance to my birthdate possibly? My mother attended some Wiccan ceremonies before I was born. They call it disassociation. Her writings argue strongly that Devil's marks were in actuality tattoos that identified members of an organized pagan religion that she believed flourished in the Middle Ages. Every photo I use is from a public domain or paid-for royalty service. We have moved numerous times and it takes about a year before they start. I nodded and she smiled and said yes. I AM embracing and contribute for the gool of all. As if someone else was speaking through me I saidAre you a.. . And I guarantee you have at least one of these traits whether youre see it or not. Question: I have several birthmarks and a big mole under my arm. It was believed that the Devil marked witches, especially women, on their breasts, anus or genitals so the searches tended to focus on those areas. Now in my 50s I wonder at where my spirituality will lead having reached the other side of menopause. Regardless of gender, birthmarks on your arms denote that while you may have struggled with. For women, a birthmark on the arm is believed to be a sign of a woman who puts her career first. of some sort. And that is patently not true. I use essential oils, love my garden, spend time outside listening to everything. If youre on FaceBook, I have a group called Otherworldly Oracle who have people of like mind. She went over my breast ( I was at the cancer dr for my breast, everythings ok but she had no clue why I was there though) she tells me Im having issues right there and then the receptionist calls my name. I have the large staring eyes too, and despite my young age Ive always interacted with those much older than me more than those my age. What can I do to slowly find out more about feeling more witch like? S. I have the healer lines in both hands and have often wondered why for no reason whatsoever my hands will be hot. When I was a little girl, my parents were watching a documentary about Salem. I may be misinterpreting your general message, but the opinion of only hereditary witches can be witches really irks me. Tysm!!! ok Im in your group, I do have all on my palm however, to elaborate on the subject would have been more thorough not to mention a better more precise article ..right? Maybe I can get some answers there too. For example, you might have a pattern of lines on your palm that resemble Orions belt or the Lyran constellation, etc. People do practice it - it's not a myth or a rumor. ..Things that I long forgot started happening againI know and remember it allI am a 5th generation witch and to say it out loudI love it but also have that fear locked inside mefrom the burnings I was told. The blue dot is probably where a blood vessel comes close to the surface of the skin. I have had times where Ive thought that I had ALREADY thought that the moment had already happened, like it happened multiple times. Ive done stuff, seen even stranger ones, and Im really lost. I was labeled overly sensitive as a child (after a trauma in childhood) and I started feeling emotions, sensing and seeing spirits after that. It sounds like you are indeed a witch! Now comes the fun part-scary of the history: It is the shape of my birthmark. "You're at the highest risk for basal and squamous cell cancers. I love herbs, oils and natural medicine and did I mention music! I have all the signs on my palms. Other types of evidence included spectral evidence, confessions, possession of poppets and ointments or other occult items, proof of supernatural abilities, and testimony of eyewitnesses to acts of witchcraft. Of course, I cant control it. I have a birth mark on my lower right leg of a four leaf clover. The only one I dont have is the one on the middle pad of my index finger. If you have, what should you do now? I want to know if this is a witch mark or not. The size of my heart-shaped birthmark is the size of my palm. I Got made fun of most of my childhood for it. I also astral project often and go to other worlds/dimensions upon sleep or meditation. I glance over greet The woman Cleta and figure no problem, I could use a little mommy break and enjoy my book. Always felt spirit around me. Either an abnormally low body temperature or the witch has the ability to increase his or her body temperature. Sounds like you definitely have abilities. Amazing read! What does everyone think OR am I just being ridiculous? I have it on both hands and I slight cross on my index finger.. Is a vein in the shape of a heart on the chest a witchs mark? And they can be red, dark brown, or even an extra nipple. TOP 10 Most Popular Blog Posts from 2018! Right Armpit: Mole on the right armpit indicates a person dreams of riches. Basically, it was a way to get their rocks off on many different levels. I come from at least four generations of witches, Ive had magical gifts since I was a child. Ive always been attracted the the supernatural, nature, the elements. I can move things items with my energy without using my hands even. If after stripping and shaving, the accused witch was found to have no likely blemishes, pins were simply driven into her body until an insensitive area was found. I am searching for two things and I trust that people here could help me.. My hands also get hot. I possess most the signs of being a witch physically though except i have a very jet black hair and look way younger than my age ,spiritually and most of the characteristics and only now in these age of social media and internet that i am enlightened that these questions and doubts which were bothering me since childhood have an actual answer. Please explain? In Tom Cowans Book Fire in the Head, he states shamans have had the ability to increase their body temperature for centuries. Born with a crescent moon on my face, my daughter has it on her chest. I am very spiritual! I know about a few of my past lives. This mark from a past life was given to you as part of initiation or potentially in torture after being accused or executed as a witch. Question: I have recently gotten a raised mark on my thigh about 3 long and 1 wide. I am learning that there were indeed witches and healers in my family. Question: My birthmark looks like a paw with extra circles, what does that mean? First, because witches spend half their time with one foot in this world and one in the next, making them more likely to be flighty or have their head in the clouds in this life. If you connect the dots they form a perfectly correct pentagram. Formed when cells begin to cluster instead of distributing evenly throughout the skin, a mole and a beauty mark consist of the same genetic makeup. My question to you.what are your gifts? Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on January 18, 2020: I have a mark and I dont know if thats a witch mark or not. Also, I have a raised mole on my left side. Ive been asked many times throughout my life if I was a witch. I been told so many times that when I call or appear at some ones home they were thinking of me. So witches do witchcraft and Druids carry out their own rituals and procedures. I will shock many by my coming out, especially my family who I raised in strict Christianity. Strange things happen around me. Ive got the healers marks and am currently a nurse but also dabbled in natural healing with oils and riki. I understood a lot of things and knew about a lot of things that kids shouldnt know about. In modern times, if youre born with a tail, the witchcraft community believes you are of elemental origin. YES, this may seem cliche but hear me out. a black cat for my familiar. I absolutely have very strong feelings an intuition. The middle one is a true empath. I have the .S. Is she a witch and am I one, too? I have feeling about people and have only been scared of 2 men, even though they never did anything to me! Im a Certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor and Im constantly looking for holistic ways to heal the body. You can heal. It was made up by people who wanted to 'prove' that someone was a witch and, therefore, have reason to imprison, torture, or kill them. Witches lived many past lives in religious and spiritual positions. Im a black American, and I have two different color eyes. 30+ Signs You're a Witch In Your Heart & Soul. Answer: No, it's just a hereditary trait in your family. There are many types of birthmarks. Hi So witches run in my family but Ive never been sure if I was one. We were both healers in one during a time of war before they took us apart from each other. However, if your pentagram holds a deeper meaning for you, then that's fine. [11] Barstow views the violent and sexual nature of the witch's mark examinations in the witch trials to be further evidence that the witch-hunts were, in fact, "women-hunts". They said that I was a witch in my passed life. But if you do have one, you have the PROUD claim of the witchs mark! Thanks for reading and commenting! Many people have said I have witch eyes. They also indicate past lives in specific countries, for example a birthmark that resembles Australia or South America. Hi im from Albania too I have been practicing witchcraft for a while now but only recently did i find the desire to get into it like really seriously, i have a simian line in my right hand, i have done a couple of spells that have worked. A book written in 1645 by an anonymous author, titled Lawes Against Witches and Conivration, stated that witches often had a teat, from which familiars suckled, in addition to a witch mark which is described as a blue-spot, or red-spot, like a flea-biting., Martin Delrio, a Spanish Jesuit theologian in the 16th century, described witch marks as sometimes like the impression of a hares foot, or the foot of a rat, or spider while Professor William Forbes described it, in his 1730 book Institutes of the Law of Scotland, as like a flea bite or blue spot, or sometimes resembles a little teat, and the part so stamped doth ever after remain insensible, and doth not bleed, tho never so much nipped or pricked by thrusting a pin, awl, or bodkin into it. I have all the things, every single one. The belief in witch marks, sometimes known as Devils marks, came late in the development of witch hunting. I have a tiny red mole also. I have a beauty mark on my pinky finger on the palm side of my left hand, Im not sure what it means, I also have a small red birthmark on my left breast an inch above my nipple towards the inside of my chest as if I got stung by something in a past life? I feel deeply! She had studied and had her degree to perform! One i dont have is the one on the middle pad of my free with! 'S fine wither it be spiritual or dead carcasses a half mile away herbs, and. The one on the arm is believed to be an irregular mark on my left eye at months... Black American, and what appears to be a witch in my family be witches really irks me,! Or South America birthmark that resembles Australia or South America truly are ; &! Convinced due to things Ive said and done know what kind i came from me as la strega-the witch even... Passed down in my family who i raised in strict Christianity have two different color eyes forest...: a New History of the other side of menopause to other worlds/dimensions sleep... 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